The Congress will meet in the city of Córdoba, on the campus of the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Cordoba National University (, on
september 3-5, 2014.
Congress is open to scholars and university professors, students, Non Governmental Organizations, institutions involved in interreligious dialogue, governmental officials of all levels, members of the Legislature and the Judiciary, and members of religious institutions.
Registration is available by completing the enrollment form found
The Congress will include the participation of specialists from around the world (
PROGRAM). There will also be sessions in which participants will be able to present their papers.
The general topics of sessions are:
Religion, conflict and social peace
Religions as social movements
Diversity and pluralism
Religion in view of processes of social change
Religion and public policies
Religion and democracy
The religious factor on international politics
Challenges in bioethics, politics and religion
Equality and discrimination
The right to objection of conscience
Legal regime of religious confessions
The religious factor in international courts and organizations
Participants in the Congress should provide for their own travel and accommodations expenses.
The guidelines for the presentation of papers (in spanish or english), are as follows:
- The presentation of papers by the participants must be informed to the organizer before June 10, 2014, to the email address They should indicate the title of the presentation and the session for wich it is intended.
- Before July 15, 2014, they should send a summary of the presentation (approximately 300 words) along with a brief summary of the author´s background, so as finalize the program for the Congress.
- The organizers of the Congress will assign the appropriate time allotment for the presentations in accordance with the number of submissions received. Presenters will be permitted to distribute their writings during the course of the Congress.
- In anticipation of possible future publication, the text of the presentations, should be limited to 4,000 words, and should be delivered both in printed and electronic form on or before september 30, 2014. CALIR will attempt to secure the publication of a printed volume of the contents of the Congress, including the submitted presentations, and may also publish them on its website or in another form that may be determined opportune, while always respecting the integrity of the submitted texts.
- The submission and presentation of research do not include financial remuneration.
- The organizers reserve the right to refuse submissions that are manifestly foreign to the theme of the Congress or do not rise to the minimum standards for presentations of this nature.
Argentine residents
$ (ars) 400.-
$ (ars) 200.- (students)
Non residents
USD 50.-
USD 25.- (students)
Students of the Cordoba National University: free
Advance inscription (before july 15 th)
$ (ars) 280.-
$ (ars) 140.- (students)
The possibility of granting scholarships will be considered.